Workshops with influencers


Freedom and responsibility on social media

People who are active and influential on social networks are increasingly relevant to the construction of public debate in Brazil. Their voices have a significant impact, which requires they recognize their responsibility for the communication they carry out, especially for strengthening democratic dialog. Aware of the importance of responsible influence, we created a Workshop that has been held in different regions of Brazil and that proposes a deep reflection on freedoms and responsibilities on social networks with influencers from the most varied social groups. Without labels and without a consensus obligation, we bring together diverse audiences to encourage dialog and mutual understanding. Lasting about 6 hours and using a multidisciplinary approach, the event combines Non-Violent Communication with combating disinformation and qualification of dialog.

 To date, the project has trained more than 264 influencers who, together, reach 209 million followers. Among the names that have been with us are Érica Malunguinho, Fernanda Lima, Dira Paes, Renê Silva, Paolla Oliveira, Rogério Flausino, Rita Batista, Majucca, and Ana Paula Padrão. In 2020, with the health crisis that took the world after the Covid-19 pandemic, Redes Cordiais promoted the first virtual edition of the Workshop, a format that divided the educational program into two days with the promotion of dialog.

 During the 2020 Workshop, an unprecedented partnership was rolled-out with InternetLab to produce a document created to guide the participation of influencers in a more democratic, secure, and ethical manner during municipal elections. In the ‘Guide for Digital Influencers in the 2020 Elections,’ InternetLab and Redes Cordiais researchers and experts focused on a 39-page document that mapped the importance of content producers in the electoral contest. The publication is a compass of principles designed to help influencers make tough decisions, and a toolbox featuring practical questions and answers that could arise during the elections.

In 2022, the Guide was reissued and launched in a new workshop in view of the general elections in Brazil that took place this year.




million followers reached


workshops held so far